Factoid Friday: 9 Facts about Social, Phone, Obama, and Tweets that don’t have Porn in them

Today Friday March 28th – the following is true:

1. Instagram has 200 Million Users, Beating Twitter

In the last six months alone, 50 million people have signed up for Instagram, the company revealed in a blog post, according to Mashable. To date, Instagram users have shared an impressive 20 billion photos on the service.

2. In comparison, Obama says 6M signed up for health care

3. Who makes more purchases through mobile – Men or Women?

Answer: Men

Around 46% of web users will look towards social media when making a purchase.

4. Who uses smartphones?

Click image to Enlarge

8. 5 Vines are Tweeted every second

9. In the one minute it takes you to read this text, 100 hours of video will be uploaded to YouTube.

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