Apple Rocked America

I watched the Apple event yesterday and I really enjoyed the event. I enjoyed the new products and I like Tim Cook. I don’t care what you say about him, who else could follow Steve Jobs with such grace? Not an easy job.

I have been an Apple fan (and Android fan) for some time. I have seen the ups and downs of Apple. At the end of the day so what you want be they are one of the most innovative, creative and prosperous companies in America. Im never really a “hater” anyway but Apple has unleashed a new Era of fun.

I’m pretty unbiased as I do love Android/Google products just as much as Apple. They are both driving technology far and above any other country in the world.

Below are  some video wraps ups from another favorite – The Verge.


iPhone 6 Wrap Up

iWatch Wrap Up

If you really have time – Full Keynote
 Apple Keynote September 2014

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