The Best and Weirdest at CES 2017

At CES 2017 this year, tech, gadgets and robots ruled the floors of the Las Vegas conventions hall. It’s impossible for me to summarize all the cool tech and gadgets that were at CES, So I’ll leave it up to the experts that saw them first hand. Below are video wrap ups from the tech gurus who attended CES 2017.As every year at CES, there wee the inventions, the strange, and the up and coming. Some useful and some weird. But all of it is amazing. In an industry that dominates our everyday lives, consumer electronics must deliver more each year. It must be quicker, sleeker and smaller. The trick is making it useful to the consumer. So some things are cool and fills a void, while others need some refinement. In the end we are all entertained and smarter for the show.

Phones, computers and TVs – by Techradar


What would CES be without Robots – from AltPowerDog


Cars, washing machines and breast pumps – CNET top picks


Odd stuff from Austin Evans


Toasters, hair brushes and whistles. Connecting everything we own in the house. – B&H


See you next year at CES.

ces drones

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