Mac or PC for Radiologists?

I love Macs so the answer is easy for me, but I have seen more and more doctors switching to the Mac platform.

Good article regarding radiology and a Mac solution.

“Hospitals everywhere face the same problem,” says Dr. Osman Ratib, who chairs the Department of Radiology and Imaging at Geneva University Hospital. “How do we get complex multimodality images out to clinicians?”

The answer: Apple technology and a powerful, Mac-based open-source DICOM viewer known as OsiriX.

OsiriX was conceived by Ratib, and written by his colleague radiologist Dr. Antoine Rosset, when they worked together at UCLA in 2004 and saw the need for a more robust viewer and analysis tool. It was developed into its present form by Rosset and Geneva computer scientist Joris Heuberger. When Ratib and Rosset returned to Geneva University Hospital from UCLA in 2005, they were Mac enthusiasts on a mission. Full story….

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