By Paul B. KaiserApril 5, 20202020covid19, diary Here is how my week went visually through photos. Sunday March 29th – Elton John and Lizzo are Zooming Elton John and Lizzo are Zooming Launched the family TikTok Monday March 30th –Google asks me if I have symptoms. Thank you Google, but I’m fine. Google Survey Tuesday March 31st – Lexi gets Booped and a Pink Ribbon Lexi does her hair April 1st – I take a selfie and we have a nice sunset Bored in the house. I”m bored in this house. Bored in the house.. COVID sunset Thursday April 2nd – I try Yoga, Lauren gets a package from FedEx, and a Tiger is on my desk. Big day! Fart sound Package has arrived, the package has arrived. Tiger in my study Friday April 3rd Matthew has meetings all day. The mail gets delivered. And I have a Zoom Happy Hour Costume Party. Matthew’s note to family Zoom Happy Hour Mail truck cometh Saturday April 3rd– Lauren builds her shelves Putting the hammer down Wala! Saturday April 4th – Time for a COVID date with Matthew and Lauren (6ft apart) Is this fun or what? True love 🙂 Sunday April 5th – Palm Sunday Improvised THE END