Healthcare tech gadgets continue to enter the market every day. With bluetooth and wireless access, these gadgets provide new incentives for patients and healthcare professionals to be on their game. Adherence for patients will be less of an excuse and physicians have more tools to offer their patients.
This health technology company offers a unique way to remember to take your medications. The Liif pillbox is connected to a smart phone app that reminds the user to take their pills at designated times. Your app can even be synced to other boxes, and can be set to notify you if a friend or family member forgets to take their pills. Pharmacists may want to consider encouraging their patients to purchase this smart technology.
3D Printed Biological Materials
There have been many uses of 3D printers, from guns to food to replicas of the Eifel tower. But the medical uses are extremely practical and overtime could really solve ongoing health issues once it’s figured out how to accurately apply them to people.
Here are seven applications of 3D printers in healthcare that could have an important impact in the future:
- Embryonic Stem Cells
- Printing Skin
- Replacing Cartilage & Bone
- Studying Cancer
- Patching a Broken Heart
- Replacement Organs
Dog owners and veterinary technicians alike should get excited for FitBark. Comparable to the human Fitbit, FitBark is a small $99 device that hooks onto your dogs collar and connects wirelessly to a smartphone app, allowing you to monitor your pet’s health, from his daily activity to his sleep schedule. A database allows vet techs or owners of multiple pets to keep track of this data and compare it to others, and help determine what’s best for each individual dog. There’s even an optional Wi-Fi base station, which allows you to monitor multiple dogs from afar.