Lead Generation and Digital Marketing – a New Era for Agents

Lead Generation is the lifeblood of any business.  A failure to generate new leads on a consistent and predictable basis makes for a very difficult existence. The top digital marketing companies employ many tactics, including a heavy online strategy to provide top leads. Does your agency use all the tools necessary to generate new leads for you? If they don’t, you should be asking them what tools they employ to get you the best leads. Here are some top level tools for any sales person or final expense  company marketing online:

Internet Tool Belt:
  • First and foremost, Google
    • Google Alerts and Google Reader
    • Google Trends helps you learn what is happening in the industry
  • Tweetdeck allows to you search easily and maintain your social networking
  • Use LinkedIn. Not just for your profile; join groups to broaden your network
  • Facebook -network with your friends

    These are only a few online recruiting tactics. There are many more available. Ask your digital marketing agency which ones they use. Get a digital intervention.

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