Pixel devices accounted for 12.3 per cent of phone activations with Verizon, the device’s initial wireless carrier in the US, according to Wave7 research. Verizon has not been able to keep up with the demand and has been sending VR headsets out to customers waiting for their Pixel phones.
Wave7 data estimated that Google shipped 552,000 Pixel phones in the fourth quarter. “The demand for the Pixel phones has exceeded our expectations, which is exciting to see,” Google spokeswoman Iska Saric said. As more and more folks are purchasing the Google Pixel, it is quickly becoming one of the most popular Android phones. It looks as though they will sell about 1 million units by the end of this first quarter. So I thought a few tips and tricks would be in order for those new owners coming on board. These are not brain surgeon tips but Android Nougat 7.1 is a bit different, and these videos may help you through the love and anguish of a new Pixel.
You can watch these videos on your tablet or computer, but they are fit perfectly for your smartphone.
Tip # 1: Getting started with your Google Pixel
Here’s just about everything you need to know about your new Pixel in a few short minutes.
Tip 2: Creating a Wifi Hotspot with your Pixel
Share Wi-Fi with your other devices. Your Pixel can handle that. Learn how to quickly turn your Pixel into a Wi-Fi hotspot.
Tip 3: Using the fingerprint sensor to unlock your phone
Not only does Pixel Imprint let you quickly unlock your Pixel using just your fingerprint, it also authorizes purchases, and signs you into apps, as well.
Tip 4: Using the battery saver
Sometimes a phone charger is not in our immediate vicinity, so when you need to squeeze a little more juice out of your Pixel, a simple settings adjustment comes in handy. Also check out the data saver in settings too.