Category Archives: facebook

facebook thumbs

Facebook or not to Facebook – that is the question

In recent weeks the Facebook scandal has made people rethink their purpose and desire to be on Facebook, or any social media for that matter. But I’m here to give you a digital intervention. I feel your anger and frustration. And I considered heavily to delete my account as well. Not because of the scandal so […]

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social media analytics

Social Media Analytics Tools and Reporting

If you have ever wondered how effective your engagement is doing on Twitter, I have some tools for you to check out. And if you’re running campaigns or researching on Twitter there are some phenomenal FREE tools. And wrapping that all up for a report to your client is vital. First off, if you want […]

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Google new HQ

Tech Companies are Redefining Themselves in Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley real estate is on fire again. Tech companies are reinventing themselves through architecture. While the Apple spaceship has caught the eye of everyone recently, many other tech companies are setting up new digs for their headquarters too. Google, not to be outdone by Apple, is building a new headquarters in Mountain View, as […]

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Millennials choose Snapchat over Instagram

Snapchat swapped places with Instagram and jumps in front. In November of 2015, Snapchat was the Third Most Popular Social Network Among Millennials.  Snapchat, which allows users to send photo messages that automatically delete themselves shortly after being viewed, shocked many when they turned down a $3 billion buyout offer from Facebook last November. But it’s […]

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