Healthy mobile technology is reshaping the way you see your doctor

How close are you to your smartphone? I bet you take it to dinner, on your favorite exercise, in the car, in the bathroom (not me) and you probably are using it to be your personal trainer, your coach and soon to come – your doctor.
The healthcare industry is full of innovation and breakthroughs, but Digital Health is ready to explode in part to the technology industry. New startup companies are developing cool Apps that find ways to address key issues in your health and well being. Apps to track you and monitor you.

Apps that measure heart rate, blood pressure, and now glucose from your eye duct. The big 3, 
Google, Apple and Samsung have launched major platforms that make it easier to integrate medical and health services.

Analysts from Deloitte says that smart glasses/contacts, fitness bands and new watches, will sell about 10 million units in 2014, generating over $3 billion. 

Nothing to sneeze at.

And the patient is the clear winner here. Costs are reduced, control is with the consumer and a sense of change in health is top of mind.

Here are a few companies to check out:

MD Revolution is harnessing the power of digital health technology to shift the medical paradigm from reactive disease care to �proactive, preventative health. Over 75% of heart disease and �stroke and 40% of cancers are imminently preventable and, in �many cases, reversible. MD Revolution’s goal is to deliver better health—and lower healthcare costs—by focusing on the real �causes of chronic disease. We empower people with personalized, �actionable data and coaching to help them make lifestyle changes that matter

HeatlhTap – the Uber Doctor

This tool is helpful and offers personalized answers, tips, news, and app recommendations from top doctors! 

Talk to a doctor whenever, wherever, share photos or test results, and get immediate answers, prescriptions, and referrals to help you feel good!

Doctor-prescribed checklists and reminders help you live well, manage your health, and take action to feel good everyday!

As usual Apple will show, yet again, what their smart devices can do. The soon to come release of HealthKit is an entirely new way to use your health and fitness information.

The new Health app gives you an easy-to-read dashboard of your health and fitness data. And we’ve created a new tool for developers called HealthKit, which allows all the incredible health and fitness apps to work together, and work harder, for you. It just might be the beginning of a health revolution.

“Recent studies suggest that people who use connected devices to monitor health and fitness often do a better job of managing and preventing health problems.”

Technology will give us the freedoms and the connections needed to assist in heatlhcare. It cans solve some of the current issues in healthcare like high costs, busy patient rooms and reduced monitoring time for chronic diseases.

“An Engaged Patient Gets Better.”

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